Institute of Electrical and Optical Communications
Welcome to the Institute of Electrical and Optical Communications
The Institute of Electrical and Optical Communications (INT) has a more than 85-year tradition at the University of Stuttgart. The focus of INT is on the design of integrated electronic and photonic circuits. A core competence for more than a decade lies in the development of broadband electronic data converters and highly efficient optical fiber chip interfaces. The research field is broadened by energy-efficient neuronal circuits.
Close collaborations with national and international research institutions enable the design of future-oriented application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) in state-of-the-art semiconductor technologies, such as 22 nm FDSOI CMOS or 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS and silicon-based photonic integrated circuits (PICs). The research results are used in the field of wireless and optical communication technology, high-frequency measurement technology and sensor technology.
- Institute
Brief overview of the INT - Team
Your specialists of integrated electrical and photonic circuits - Contact
How to reach us - Research
Current research topics at INT - Student projects
Bachelor-, Research- and Masterthesis - Teachings
Lectures, Lab courses - Publications
Conferences, Journals, Dissertations and Patents