Manuel Wittlinger

M. Sc.

Research staff member
Institute of Electrical and Optical Communications
IC group


+49 711 685 67897
+49 711 685 67900

Business card (VCF)

Pfaffenwaldring 47
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 2.410


My research focuses on a fully digital transmitter architecture, where as many components as possible should be integrated into a CMOS chip. A high efficiency of the individual components allows a high integration density, which reduces the costs for a transmitter. The efficiency of the power amplifier is particularly relevant because this is the main source of the total power loss. Therefore the central project is the study of a high efficient switching mode power amplifier in a FDSOI-CMOS technology. 

  1. 2023

    1. M. Wittlinger, M. Grözing, and M. Berroth, “Switching Mode Power Amplifier for Fully Digital RF Transmitter at 3.6 GHz in 22 nm FD-SOI CMOS,” in Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME), 2023, pp. 5--8.
    2. R. Elster, N. Hoppe, M. Wittlinger, C. Schweikert, W. Vogel, M. Berroth, and G. Rademacher, “Versatile Optical Frequency Comb Generation: Modelling Silicon-Organic Hybrid Phase Shifters,” in Workshop: Ultrafast Signal Processing by Combined Photonic-Electronic Integrated Systems, 2023.
  2. 2022

    1. J. Tonn, T. Veigel, M. Wittlinger, M. Grözing, and M. Berroth, “Real-Time Processing and Delta-Sigma Modulation on FPGA for Switching Mode RF Amplifiers,” in German Microwave Conference (GeMiC), 2022, pp. 184--187.
    2. M. Wittlinger, M. Grözing, and M. Berroth, “Switching Mode Power Amplifier Concept Combining Pulse-Width, Pulse-Position and Conductance Modulation,” in Kleinheubacher Tagung, U.R.S.I. Landesausschuss in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V, 2022, pp. KH2022-C-1–3.
  3. 2021

    1. R. Nägele, F. Wiewel, S. Kelz, M. Wittlinger, M. Berroth, B. Yang, and M. Grözing, “Charge based mixed-signal multiply-accumulate circuit for energy efficient in-memory computing,” in Kleinheubacher Tagung, U.R.S.I. Landesausschuss in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V, 2021, pp. 1–4.
  4. 2020

    1. M. Wittlinger, “HF-Schaltverstärker in FDSOI CMOS-Technologie,” Masterarbeit, no. 1082. 2020.
  5. 2019

    1. M. Wittlinger, “Untersuchung der Schaltungstopologie eines sparsamen Mischsignalneurons.” 2019.
  6. 2017

    1. M. Wittlinger, “Entwurf eines breitbandigen linearen Verstärkers mit einstellbarem Frequenzgang,” Bachelorarbeit, no. 1033. 2017.
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